If you want your outbound sales activity to be effective, you should combine acquisition and retention sales activities. Many of the research and insight agencies I work with have limited resources. As such, when it comes to their priorities for outbound sales there is often a discussion about which to do. And there is an … Read More
Business Development
Is your agency too busy to do marketing and sales?
Is your agency too busy to do marketing and sales? Is the grow trajectory of your insight agency stymied because you get so busy fulfilling projects that you don’t have the time or resources to invest and do your brand building and sales activation. We see agencies get into this peak and trough cycle all … Read More
How to get revenue growth from brand building activity
How can a research and insight agency generate greater revenue growth from brand building marketing activity? In this 5min video Paul Griffiths explains the different stages that your client has to go through in their decision to purchase from your agency and how these stages can be positively influenced by your brand building activity. … Read More
Is your marketing and sales activity optimising your B2B lead generation?
Marketing and sales activity that does not optimise your B2B lead generation is a wasted opportunity. You should use your brand building marketing, and your sales activation campaigns, in a coordinated way. This will generate new clients and increase the revenue growth of your agency. Too often, agencies do one without the other. As … Read More
How being authentic is one of the most effective selling techniques
Being authentic is one of the most effective selling techniques. But if authenticity is so important in selling, how do you do this? How do you let your character and personality come through, so that the people you are engaging with like you, and don’t feel they are being “sold-to”? Paul Griffiths (Client Advocates) and … Read More
Authenticity – how to be more effective in sales and business development
How can you be more effective in your sales and business development? Paul (Client Advocates) and Melanie Lewis (Head of Business Development at Maru Matchbox) discuss why authenticity is so important in building relationships that result in sales. Watch this short 5 min video to get some expert tips.
Should you do business development in a financial crisis? Gill Green and Paul Griffiths discuss
At the height of the Covid lockdown, Gill Green (Touchstone Growth) and Paul Griffiths (Client Advocates) discuss whether you can and should do proactive business development.