We use client generated evidence and feedback to help you improve your business and achieve success.
For Agencies
As Client Advocates, we interview and get feedback from your clients and customers. We combine this with our own experience of running and managing businesses plus many years of helping our clients to be successful, so that you achieve your commercial and financial goals and improve your future business performance.
What we do is:
- Interview key clients, lapsed clients and clients who you don’t currently work with (but might like to!). This provides an objective assessment of the strength and depth of your key business relationships. It gives us a very clear steer as to how your business can be improved. It also provides useful intelligence about your competition and the marketplace.
- We action plan with your account teams to improve the service they are providing to their key clients and to exploit previously unidentified commercial opportunities.
- Deliver profit-improvement by looking at all of your internal processes and procedures, to identify how you can operate more effectively and commercially. We work with your teams to help implement the changes required and deliver the margin improvement.
We project-manage and support you to implement our recommendations; and we ensure that the outcomes are tangible for you; both in terms of the financial metrics and also in the way they are experienced by your teams, and by your clients.
To ensure improvements are continuous, we put in place self-supporting feedback loops and learning processes, so you are able to continue to be successful.
We deliver value to our clients because we possess:
- A strong track-record of ensuring that marketing services companies and clients achieve and better their financial and operational KPI’s
- An evidence based health-check, looking at all aspects of businesses’ activities and how they can be improved
- A pragmatic, project specific and action-based approach to delivering improvements into the business
- Focus on realizable and measurable impact, on revenue, customer satisfaction, employee engagement and profit
- Supported by a sensitive and politically aware understanding of how to implement change in marketing services businesses
For Brands and client-side organisations
We also support Marketing and Insight teams to increase their organisational and commercial impact, so that they are more successful.
We interview key stakeholders and users of insight in your organisation to understand their commercial insight needs and requirements; how they currently use insight, how their commercial needs are changing and how the content and deliver of insight needs to reflect this.
Working with the owners of the Insight function (Commercial Directors, Heads of Strategy, Marketing Directors, Insight and Research Heads) and your key stakeholders, we provide an objective assessment of the strength and depth of your insight function.
Working with procurement and the insight function, we will support supplier-reviews, to ensure you are getting best-in-class insight and service provision. We then action plan and support their teams to improve cost-effectiveness and ROI on research and insight, and to increase the impact they are having on key commercial decision makers in the organisation.
Our experience of doing this for insight teams is that they are able to bolster and increase their strategic impact, become more involved and respected across the organisation and ultimately become more powerful business drivers.
We have personal experience of transforming insight teams and understand the need to continually strive to improve delivery and impact. We have also been responsible for effecting significantly enhanced relationships with internal clients. As such we are able to provide:
- A strong track-record of ensuring research teams achieve and better their strategic and operational KPI’s
- An evidence based relationship health-check, to analyse all aspects of your most important internal and external relationships
- A pragmatic and action-based approach to delivering the findings into your team’s business practices
- A focus on realisable and measurable impact – on stakeholder satisfaction and business impact
- Supported by a sensitive and politically aware understanding of how to implement change.